It is selfish to bring a child into this world, especially to satisfy yourself, your needs, or the needs of others. It is not inherently wrong, but it will always be inherently selfish. Selfish selfish selfish. It has and always will be. We hold the power of Gods, not only in our ability to conjure up a conscious being, but in the fact that we ourselves are conscious beings. billions of years of evolution has gifted us with self awareness, critical thinking, and reason, but most importantly, the ability to break free from the alluring voice of the sirens call; our instinctual biological drive to have sex, and as a side effect, procreation. Selfish. Choosing to bring a life into this world on a whim for the purpose of pleasure is selfish. selfish. Largely selfish not only for the reason that the child will grow up to be an adult, and will have to face the harsh reality of adult life, but for the reason that the child will grow up to be an adult who contributes to a collective humanity that is recking havoc on the earth and its biosphere. Selfish against the earth, zero consideration for the planet that did not consent to being assaulted, ruined, tarnished for aggregate conceit and contentment. The blood of three hundred thousand species unable to soak our hands nor drip down the cheek of our knife to the tip of the handle because their blood is non existent. Every human created is one more step towards another species’ extinction. Or maybe even two or three. Congrats. Not only that, but hundreds of children are dying of malnutrition and diseases every hour. Congrats on bringing a child into this world in which they will be subject to the possibility to dying to a disease or the lack of sufficient food and water. Congrats. You are bringing a kid into a world the rich are setting alight and we are fanning the flames. Consider working towards peace and love for the already existing people rather than defaulting to procreation.

Duty to society, society that will succumb to the world it has created for itself, or duty to the world?

May we live long and die out.