Go into reading this with the knowledge that I’m just some rando on the internet so take this with a grain of salt and realise these are my opinions. We impose artistic qualities upon everything in this world, and therefore our own definitions of art are subjective.

I think art can simply be defined as the expression of self - HUMAN expression. The expression of whatever, be it emotion, political views, or even just for fun. I believe art doesn’t need to be entertaining nor pleasuring to the spectators so long as the artist themself is fulfilled. An artist in this case is someone who uses the tools available to them, such as paint, hands, charcoal, you get the jist, to express themselves or to imitate or capture something. AI does not count as a tool as in this case, the artist isn't expressing themselves directly through a creation of their own but rather indirectly through a creation amalgamation of millions of others. I would argue that they’re not even expressing themselves either, as they have little to no control over the resulting piece other than the fact they can enter in a prompt and turn a few dials. If you create AI ‘art’, you are not a creator, but a spectator, therefore cannot fit my definition of “art merely needs to be fulfilling to the creator”. Aside from the images the neural net was trained on, the most creative and artful thing that goes into the creation of AI is the prompt itself.

Photography IS art because its expression (and fulfilment) of the creator. Photography may seem like it consists of simply “pushing and turning dials” and that may be true, however, but a photograph represents a memory, or a scene, or something of the like, whereas an AI generated image represents none of that. Photography isn't a true capture of reality and, outside of niches such as archival and crime scene photography, many photographers acknowledge this and some even play into it by creating composites or edits.

Banana taped to the wall is art. The banana itself isn't ‘art’ per se, but more-so the idea and what it represents. This is proven by the dispensability of the banana and duct tape themselves - the substance is in the essence of the idea.
That dude whipping butter is expressing himself and that is art. 

Art is not subjective. The feeling art evokes in the consumer is the tihng that is subjective.

TLDR; art is a banana with duct tape on the wall